Tanja Skok

May 15 at 9.30 pm
Venue: Plesni Teater Ljubljana
Duration: 60 minutes

In this work, baroque is a metaphor and at the same time a strongly visible and audible artistic reference, an artistic expression. Contemporary music in general has strong references to the baroque canon. Even its dance expression can be contemporary as Tanja Skok “translates” baroque courtly dance steps into a more modern language and looser choreography. The baroque idiom in these new clothes is revealed as surprisingly modern and spectacular.

Tanja Skok received her education at the London Contemporary Dance School. From 1996 on, her work has included artistic leadership, instruction and choreography at the Intact Dance Studio, the teaching of contemporary dance techniques at the art high school, and providing contemporary dance and other collaboration in many musical, visual arts, and film projects. She first got acquainted with historic dance forms during her studies in London, and began to work intensively with them in 2003, when she started training with known European experts in the area of Renaissance dance (Barbara Sparti, Veronique Daniels, Lieven Baert, Bruna Gondoni) and baroque dance (Marie Genevieve Masse, Cecilia Gracio Moura, Beatrice Massin, Françoise Denieau).
Dans ce spectacle, le Baroque représente une métaphore en meme temps qu’une évidente référence a l'expression artistique. La musique contemporaine se réfere fortement au canon baroque. L'expression corporelle est également contemporaine, comme si l'auteur avait « traduit » les pas de danse des cours d'autrefois dans une langue plus contemporaine et en avait assoupli la chorégraphie. Dans ces nouveaux costumes, le langage baroque se montre tres contemporain et spectaculaire.

Concept and choreography: Tanja Skok
Performers: Domen Marinèiè, Bor Pantiè, Mojca Funkl, Tanja Skok
Music: Milko Lazar
Costume design: Alan Hranitelj
Set design: Irena Pivka
Light design: Andrej Hajdinjak, Davor Balent
Technical support: Martin Podrzavnik, Team, Jaka Šimenc
Photography: Miha Fras 
Producer: Katja Somrak
Production : Plesni Teater Ljubljana




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